Sunday, January 23, 2011

..share and share alike

...and when one door closes,
just maybe you can find a window open-
also known as I have added an author to my blog!

...just a thought- this blog was started by me for me... just as a way to try and organize and download into words and the chaos in my head.

it has evolved into a book/knitting/diary/confessional blog- but now it is about to transition again, into a place for us (yup thats right, I am sharing it with mr bee.) to share pictures, thoughts, and stories about our lives as parents, friends, and luvah's..

things will be sparatic at best, but several people (gran/aunties/nana-and friends) have been on our case to post more about the boy and less about random crap! so ask and you shall receive.

this blog has now been remodled into a family blog- I still intend to share the books I am reading, the projects I am knitting, and the many random thoughts in my head- but hey just for you guys WE will also try to make it much more about the boy-and the joy we are finding in him!

...knitting update

Saturday, January 22, 2011

...picture time (9months-so a little late)

is he not the cutest-
this is from our 9month session with the amazing and talented Stacey Agius
she has taken pictures of EJ' since he was first born-
she has a gift for catching his perfect smiles.
I am so excited to see the rest of these images-
hopefully in the next few days!